What is Blockchain?


Blockchain (also known as “the protocol of trust”) is a technology that aims at decentralization as a security measure. They are bases of records and data distributed and shared that have the function of creating a global index for all transactions that occur in a given market. It works as a ledger, only in a public, shared and universal way, which creates consensus and trust in direct communication between two parties, that is, without the intermediary of third parties. It is constantly growing as new complete blocks are added to it by a new set of records. Blocks are added to the blockchain linearly and chronologically. Each node - any computer connected to that network has the task of validating and passing on transactions - obtains a copy of the blockchain after joining the network. The blockchain has complete information on addresses and balances directly from the genesis block to the most recently completed block.
Blockchain is seen as the main technological innovation of bitcoin as it is the proof of all transactions on the network. Its original project has served as inspiration for the emergence of new cryptocurrencies and distributed databases.


  1. Blockchain transactions allow users to control their data through private and public keys, allowing them to own it. Third-party intermediaries are not allowed to misuse and obtain data. If personal data are stored on the blockchain, owners of such data can control when and how a third party can access it.Invoice Management System on Blockchain

  2. A type of short-term loan, typically taken out for a period of 2 weeks to 3 years pending the arrangement of larger or longer-term financing. It is usually called a Bridging finance the United


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